Translations en/de

Arnold Mindell
Process Mind: A User’s Guide to Connecting with the Mind of God.
Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2010.

Arnold Mindell
Quantum Mind: The Edge between Physics and Psychology.
Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press, 2000.

Arnold Mindell
The Quantum Mind and Healing: How to Listen and Respond to Your Body’s Symptoms.
Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2000.

Lane Arye
Unintentional Music: Releasing Your Deepest Creativity.
Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2002.

Arnold Mindell
The Dreammaker’s Apprentice: Using Heightened States of Consciousness to Interpret Dreams.
Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2002.

Arnold Mindell
Dreaming While Awake: Techniques for 24-Hour Lucid Dreaming.
Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2000.

Amy Mindell
Metaskills: The Spiritual Art of Therapy.
Tempe, AZ: New Falcon Press, 1995.

Arnold Mindell
Sitting in the Fire: Large Group Transformation Using Diversity and Conflict.
Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press, 1995.

Thomas Cleary
The Human Element: A Course in Resourceful Thinking.
Boston & London: Shambhala, 1994.

Paramhansa Yogananda
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Explained.
Edited by J. Donald Walters.
Nevada City, CA: Crystal Clarity Publishers, 1994.